I Was Bored, So I Made This

20 01 2010

I was sitting in front of my Mac, reading blogs, when my eyes alighted on a laser diode I had lying around. Immediately, a thought came into my mind, so I grabbed my electrical tape, a spare USB cable, and the diode, headed out to my soldering station, and fired up my soldering iron. Five minutes later, this was born! (Sorry for the low quality photos)

My Brand New USB Laser Pointer!

The Laser Plugged In And In Action!

Pointing It At The Wall

Other than the fact that I didn’t use the whole length of the USB cable (facepalm) I’m happy with it! As it doesn’t have a definitive use, it’s awesome! 😉

160GB Super-SuperFloppy

19 12 2009

Copy-and-Paste from my Google site (sites.google.com/site/160gbfloppy):

I created this site to show off my 160GB floppy drive. Now, after that sentence, you probably have high hopes. You might be thinking of really cool mods or extreme compression. Well, no. This is a simple case mod to take my certifiably boring SimpleTech 160GB HDD out of its Italian-designed case and put it into an IBM UltraBay floppy drive case. So, let’s get to the explanation and lots of pics:

The drive, in all its certifiably boring glory.
Hey, it was designed by the same Italian dude who designs Ferraris!
Drive case w/ SATA to USB controller glued in.
Another angle. The board is resting on foam pads.
In case you were wondering, this is the drive that was in there, which, as I helpfully wrote on it, has one missing read head.
And this is the 160GB Samsung drive that is now in there.
Ready for a drive.
Drive, case, and cover. Your choice of famous trios.
The drive’s in!
The other side. How incredibly different and amazingly interesting.
Ready to put the cover on.
It fits nicely!
My favorite way to hold it shut!
Good old tape to keep the edges even.
And it’s done! Now, some photos of the end result.
Front view.
It still fits in the drive bay!
The lights: Red for power and Blue for use.
Wishes for Rev. 2: USB/power on back, ability to connect through UltraBay, bigger drive.
Well, That’s all for this mod, see ya!