The Insane Difficulties of Finding a Good Linux Twitter Client

21 04 2010

Since the latest version of pino decided to become as stable as an alpha of Windows 95, I’ve been looking at other Linux native Twitter clients, and here were some of the problems I ran into:

1. Stability. Gwibber was especially bad, not managing to stay open for more than a few minutes at a time, although it was better than pino, which was crashing whenever I minimized it to the tray.

2. RAM Usage. If it weren’t for this one, I’d be using Qwit. However, Qwit is a HUGE RAM hog, taking 235+ MB of RAM when idle, which is more than Firefox with more than 30 tabs open!

3. Lack of Features. I also noticed that some basic features were missing in a few clients, such as lack of a tray icon in Buzzbird and Yasst. Twitim is a truly read-and-post only client, and I like to have a URL shortener at a minimum, and preferably a picture uploader too. Also, it doesn’t have an icon at all! I just get my “object” icon in the tray… not pretty.

So, my final vote?  Turpial. It’s a great client, albeit currently Spanish only, but Tweeting and replying/DMing is not that hard to get without reading anything anyway!

Finally, you can look forward to a more in-depth review of some of these on Allison Sharidan’s NosillaCast sometime soon!