Importing Tap Tap Revenge 2 Songs Into TTR3

25 03 2010

First of all, sorry for the fact that all of the images are at the bottom of the post, the iPhone WordPress app doesn’t allow you to insert them inline. 😦

Well, I was idly laying around, being a general lump and playing TTR2, when I wondered, “Hey, wouldn’t it be great if I could play all of these songs in TTR3?” So, I set about mucking around in my Applications folder with iFile. What I found is that every TTR2 song has 4 basic files. These are: the artwork.png, which is the pretty little picture you see next to the song title, the (song name).m4a audio file, (you can import this into iTunes too!), the info.plist, and the taptrack.ttr2_track. See the bottom of the post for a look at all these files. Now, these files are also present in TTR3 tracks, so I ran the most basic of tests. I copied one Track folder from /var/mobile/Applications/(long string of alphanumeric characters)/Documents/Tracks to the same location in TTR3’s folder. You’ll be able to distinguish between the two by looking in a few of the folders. When you see a song that you only have in one version, that’ll be it! If this doesn’t make sense or you just want proof, look down at the bottom of the post for images.